I'm Rosalia Valentin Margareta



rainbow in a word

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rainbow in a word

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rainbow in a word

Information System 2011

rainbow in a word

Thursday, July 25, 2013


"Bila kita diberi waktu tak terbatas, tidak ada lagi yang istimewa. Tanpa kehilangan atau pengorbanan, kita tidak bisa meghargai yang kita punya" from : The Timekeeper, Sang Penjaga Waktu by Mitch Albom. alih bahasa by Tanti Lesmana

Monday, July 22, 2013

hari anak nasional

di sebuah channel TV, ada iklan layanan masyarakat luar negeri, yang isinya sebuah cerita mungil dari sekumpulan anak cacat. mereka mendedikasikan kepada para ibu yang sedang mendengarkan cerita itu yang dikemas dalam sebuah lagu karya Doris Day.

when i was just a little girl
i asked my mother what will i be
will i be pretty, will i be rich
here's what she said to me
que sera, sera
whatever will be will be
the future's not ours to see
que sera, sera
when i was just a little boy
i asked my mother what will i be
will i be handsome, will i be rich
here's what she said to me
que sera, sera
whatever will be will be
the future's not ours to see
que sera, sera

sejenak rasa iba, haru, disusul mbrabak kecil ketika aku liat iklan berdurasi sekitar 1 menit ini. banyak hal yang belum aku mengerti tentang rasa dan asa anak cacat. aku hanya bisa mengkasiani mereka karena cacat fisik. namun ternyata luka yang sesungguhnya menganga ada dalam hati mereka.

the future's not ours to see

iya teman-temanku, masa depan bukan untuk dilihat, tapi untuk diraih. tidak peduli sekurang apapun kamu, jika Tuhan menghendaki, masa depan indah bukanlah hal yang tidak mungkin bisa diraih. semangatlah menjalani hidup, Tuhan memberikan kekurangan untuk kamu putar balikkan dan berdamai dengan hidupmu. selanjutnya serahkan kepada Tuhan saja apa hasil yang kamu tuai nanti.

kepada orangtua yang mencintai anaknya, jangan khawatir. kami selalu berusaha membuatmu bangga dan berdoa agar kami bisa mencapainya. selanjutnya biar Tuhan yang mengatur segalanya .

with love : anak yang mencintai dan selalu ingin dicintai

Sunday, July 21, 2013


I read some post from a woman that has followed seminar, theme financial. I think I have to share with you all because this information is necessary known to our live in married (even I am still a student college kkk)

1. consider that we are a company, its meant income minus outcome, must have profit
2. profit is get from put aside the income. the method, before post an outcome, the income have to put aside.
3. so put aside income is priority. though nominal is small, have to do by routine
4. there are 5 things in human life. NEEDS, WANTS, DEBT, SAVING, and INVEST
    NEEDS is need that must have filled. e.g.: eat, buy household needs, etc.
    WANTS is want. wants and needs are different. if wants isnt filled, no problem cause itsnt urgent.
    DEBT is debt. e.g.: home credit, credit card, debt to friends
    SAVING is saving funds. it is a must as reserve fund to anticipation something that happen out of our plan
    INVEST is like invest in deposito, reksadana, gold, property etc.
5. the proportion of them:
    if we has debt: needs (50%), wants (10%), debt (30%), saving (10%)
    if we dont have debt (free): needs (50%), wants (10%), saving (30%), invest (10%)
6. the last dont forget to always be generous. sincere to share our rizki. cause what you share, it is what you get

so, you who looking for mate, for man accompanying your GF when she shopping cause when she become your wife, more she saving money, more humble her lifestyle, and better for you. for woman beside ask the income of your BF, also ask his outcome. dont dazzle with a man who has big income, but has a big debt, it is some lie.

simple, but important :)


you come with sweet taste that make me free, calm, and happy. I adore you


when I saw some picture folder in my laptop, I found the photo has taken at November 2012, I has sung with my choir team at SESINDO 2012. the dresscode was black. umm I rarely to use black clothes and has photo when use it. here we go!

not bad, huh?

8th hunting sisfor at kebun bibit surabaya

there are some photo has taken at Kebun Bibit Surabaya with Sistem Informasi Fotografi club. enjoy it!

theme : picnic

some people called this photo as Wardah adv and they give some absurd conversation to complete it as adv lol

the sinister expression I think :|

the most photo I loved by mr. pipin <3

very very chubby


how I called? umm waiting for something?

crew prepare the equipment, they are so serious O.o

the fail funny expression, isnt it? hahaha

well, here the model of hunting moment. beautiful, charm haha I always expected about us too high whereas the fact isnt lol

edwina fiqhe anandita

rosalia valentin margareta

endhita ayu kusuma putri

umi fadilla

and the last this is the crew of 8th hunting sisfor

thanks for watching, hope give you all inspiration and enjoyable :)


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