I'm Rosalia Valentin Margareta



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Information System 2011

rainbow in a word

Sunday, January 26, 2014

ga ada yang namanya 'seandainya..'

integra hari ini udah dibuka. setelah sempet 5 hari ditutup buat akses mahasiswa.
ya semua anak ITS, tak terkecuali aku deg-deg liat IP buat semester ini.
muncul beberapa nilai untukku dan laporan IPK yang sudah aku kumpulkan 5 semester ini.

diam sejenak. lalu alhamdulillah. tidak ada yang mengulang. masih tidak jauh dari harapan.
namun tetap terlintas kekecewaan karena aku merasa sudah sangat berusaha menimba ilmu dan meraih nilai maksimal. Tuhan boleh kan aku kecewa?
di samping kekecawaan itu terlintas rasa ikhlas dan berusaha lebih baik lagi. kecewa karena tidak sesuai harapan, namun Allah yang paling tahu. ya, aku cuma mampu mendapatkan ini.

lagi-lagi dalam hati kecilku aku berandai. andai mata kuliah ini dapet segini, andai kemarin final projectku lebih bagus lagi, andai kemarin aku nanya ke bapaknya soal ini... astaghfirullah. aku meringis dan tersadar ini tidak benar. buat apa aku menyesali yang sudah lalu. Allah tidak menyukai hambaNya yang suka berandai-andai.

lantas aku harus pasrah sama takdir kah? naluriku menjawab lagi. bukan pasrah tapi mengusahakan yang aku bisa. bukannya Allah menjanjikan di setiap kesulitan itu selalu datang kemudahan? ya memang benar, takdir adalah yang mutlak, tapi kita harus ingat kan ada takdir yang bisa dirubah dan tidak. dan masalah IP dalam kuliah merupakan takdir yang bisa dirubah sesuai dengan usaha keras kita :)

anggap saja ini teguran Allah agar aku tidak menyia-nyiakan satu semesterku di waktu kuliah. aku memang kurang berusaha untuk mendapatkan apa yang aku mau. masih ada 2-3 semester lagi untuk memperbaiki diri, untuk menimba ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya. mungkin karena aku juga kurang berdoa, sehingga Allah menginginkanku untuk mendekat kepadaNya lagi. Allah ingin aku lebih fokus, ingin aku lebih dekat padaNya.

satu hal pelajaran untuk satu semester ini. hasil yang kita capai pasti sebanding dengan usaha kita. jika kita merasa ini tidak adil, sungguh kita adalah orang-orang yang sombong. kuliah adalah salah satu ibadah yang hanya diperuntukkan kepada Allah dan untuk mendapatkan ridhoNya. Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Adil :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Cinta tak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Ia mengambil kesempatan, itulah keberanian. Atau relakan sekalian, itulah pengorbanan — Ali Bin Abi Thalib

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Procurement and Inventory Analysis Series - IT Solutions

Reminder integrated with international calendar

Make a reminder

Make a reminder (cont'd)

Reminder added
this application called Any.do. Any.do is Android application that provides integrated reminder.
How it can be useful for Bakso Solo Bu Umi?
It provides reminder that can be added. Company and supplier has integrated each other, so if company added some reminder, it will be added in supplier's too and vice versa. Supplier and company won't have misunderstanding in schedule order. It will decrease the delay on delivery.

Procurement and Inventory Analysis Series - Solutions

Brace yourself. Here are some solutions we offer.

Creating good relationship with suppliers
Bakso Solo Bu Umi's Management need to rediscussed their relationship with supplier. They need to talk about professionalism and intimacy (just like in Godfather Movies). Professionalism is needed for creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and contract. While intimacy is important because after all, business is another form of human relationship. 

Choosing the right suppliers.
They should choose supplier that meet these requirements:

1. High quality meat.
2. Able to supply 100 - 130 kg a day for production
3. Supplier location shouldn't be more than 10 km from production center
4. Supplier able to supply at 7 to 9 pm to meet the production needs.
5. Quick response when more or less meat is needed.
6. Supplier could give stable price
7. Low price since we buy in big unit
8. Trust each other
9. Could give innovative ideas or solution if problem occur

Keeping Up Product Data that Requires by Supplier
We need a way to keep the data from Supplier. We also need to be able to manage daily procurement, inventory, raw product, and storing any other data accurately.

Refining Procurement Process
1. Procurement planner
Process to determine what item do we need, when do we need it, and how to get it. In this planning we should also include contract type, and get a picture of what kind of work need to be done.
2. Contract planning
Process that will determine raw material or item, evaluations, and SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat)
3. Response request from supplier
Process of gathering information, reaction, demand, and proposal from supplier.
4. Choosing supplier
Process for selecting supplier that has potential from Potential Supplier Analysis and Negotiation.
5. Alliance Contract
Formalization of alliance contract
6. Closing Contract

Evaluating Supplier Performance.
If a company and supplier has a good intimacy then we could easily evaluate Supplier's performance. We could evaluate supplier performance from many aspect. Such as service level, accuracy, punctuation, and meat quality. With that data we could objectively evaluate Supplier's performance.

And here are our solution toward raw materials procurements:

Inventory Cost & Cost for Finished Goods (Meatballs & Bakso)
Company will count maximal amount of finished good that can be held in  day. Since meat from company standard needs to be a meat that require no more than 24 hour after being sent by Suppliers. And company's standard toward Bakso is 3 to 12 hours after sent from suppliers  and need to be kept in 25 degree Celsius freezer. As you see the biggest problem is electricity bills from that big freezer.

Deterimining Service Level Towards Customer
Availability of product is a key toward good service level. Because of that, company needs to count the amount of product that will be distributed to every branch of restaurant and guarantee that the product will sold well. If somehow some product is not available, we still have an inventory to cover that. Fast response equals happy customer. 

In the next post, we're going to include our IT solutions.

Procurement and Inventory Analysis Series - Literature View

Let's take a deep breath since we're going to discussing the theory of Procurement and Inventory Analysis. 

According to Mr. Andover from his book "Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Practice". Procurement is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an outside external source. It is favorable that the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location.

We have two ways to get a product, which is:
1. Routine purchasing
2. Tender/Auction

We use routine purchasing when we know exactly what and to whom we are going to buy the product. We know the supplier. And we made a deal with them. Whether its a contract or unspoken understanding. While Tender/Auction will be used when we don't really know the product. Supplier will make an offer (you can refuse) and we're going to make a choice which supplier is the best.

We are all can argue about particular word definition, so I open up a dictionary to find the definition of Inventory. Accourding to Chambers Dictionary Inventory (not to be mistaken with Gaming Term) is  the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate purpose of resale.

Every Company has its own way to store their Inventory. But here are some reasons why company store their product:
- Time
Since lead time for production is vary, some company choose to store their product in the warehouse.
- Uncertainty 
We can't predict future sales. Only superheroes can. But we're all know they're didn't exist.
- Economic Scale
Some product has their own economic scale. Logistic, production cost, etc will affect economic scale.
- Value Added
Some product are better when you store them for a long time. Like wine or cheese.

There are many types of inventory, such as:
- Pipeline Inventory
Transition between inventory/production
- Anticipation Inventory
For anticipating increasing sales in some season/event (Forward Buying)
- Cycle Inventory
Scheduled Inventory
- Safety Stock/Buffer Stock
Yet another anticipation for uncertain demand and supply

That's it for now. Next we will continue to share our solution using these theory we just learned.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Procurement and Inventory Analysis Series - Procurement Strategies

Procurement  Strategies
Take a look at stuffs around you. Have you ever wondered how to make that stuff? Or at least, how to get the material to create that stuff? In Business & Management perspective it's called Procurement. And just like sports, if we want to get a good result. We need a strategy. A Procurement Strategies.*

What is Procurement Strategy anyway? According to British Government (Since this blog post is written in English, so it must be true) Procurement Strategy describes the contribution that effective procurement will make to fulfil the Council’s aims and objectives.  The definition of procurement in this context is not only limited to purchasing – it can have a wider meaning and can address the ways in which the Council can deliver its services – from providing the service in-house to joint commissioning and outsourcing.

Different company, different business process. Each company has made their own business process that suitable for them. A business process could works really well with a fine amount of good planning. Another thing that is important in a company is the implementation. How the company implement those business process into real work.

We can't separate implementation in a business process with another important role which is producer, supplier, and consumer. If those three role do a good job in cooperating witch each other, the company main goal to get maximum amount of profit will be much easier.

Investigation Begins

In the first part, we are questioning our ability to improve Bakso Solo Bu Umi business. Now let's see what can we do about their procurement method. 

We conduct an investigation to Bakso Solo Bu Umi about how they procure their raw material especially meat. We make an interview with the manager and what we have found is they had some problem in meat procurement. That problem will affect the company's inventory. So, with our knowledge in Supply Chain Management we want to propose some solution to solve the company's problem.

1. What threat and factor that are Bakso Solo Bu Umi that will affect their procurement strategies?
2. How are we going to solve that problem, generally?
3. We are an IT student, how can we implement our knowledge to solve that problem?

If we didn't makes a limitation, we probably ended up creating a full scale Enterprise solution with multi billion budget. But fear not, we are going to limit our solutions towards every problems.  We are trying to get our best solution toward procurement problems. 

What is it for us?
Deep inside, we are all stingy people. Most of the time we are doing something that will benefit us. So, what kind of benefit that we will get from this research?

1. Academic Perspective. Since we're learning Supply Chain Management course. This is a chance to prove ourself that we have a good understanding of what Procurement & Inventory startegy is. 
2. Practical Benefit. We hope that our solution will be an insightful knowledge for Bu Umi.

3. Free Meal. A bowl of Meatballs would nice.  

Our primary research data is taken mostly from observation and an interview with the Manajer. While our secondary data is taken from academic resources such as books, lecture material, and internet. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Procurement and Inventory Analysis Series - Bakso Solo Uni

Everybody loves meatballs, or at least Indonesian loves it. That's why it's such a good business. From very small business to large enterprise. Today we are going talk about Bakso Solo Bu Umi. One of the meatballs business in Indonesia.

Bakso Solo Bu Umi Enterprise was established in 2001. Founded by, not suprisingly.. Bu Umi, 
this enterprise is mainly focused on culinary business. At first, the center of production is held in Mojosari and it's only had one restaurant. Twelve years later, Bakso Solo Bu Umi is now having two production central in Mojosari and Pacet, and another restaurant in Pungging, Mojosari, Ranggon, and Pacet. All of them is located in Mojokerto.
Mojosari, East java
Bakso Solo Bu Umi sells refined product such as a bowl of bakso, which mostly contains of bakso, noodles, soup, tofu, siomay, vegetables, and obligatory fried snack. Besides that they also has added some beverages and snack. They produce home made product that all of the process are created manually, except the part when you want to turn meat into bakso.

Having all of that fact, we could says that Bu Umi is doing a good job at making money. But what could we do to make it a better, is there more efficient or effective way to improve this company profit?


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